Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hold That Thought

Maybe it was because I didn't have enough food coloring in the mix, but when I tried the soap crayons in the shower last night, they didn't work. The blue suds were pretty, but they didn't write on the wall like they were suppose to. Now I have to decide if I should grate them down, or try to sell them, as is. Along with other colors. But what's the point of having them in the shape of a crayon, if you can't doodle on mommy and daddy's wall? So what I might do, is use a mini ice cube tray to make soap cubes. That way, I can fill them, and pop them out the next day so they can finish drying. Tonight, I made some frog and turtle soap. Plus a few angels. But the molds have lots of nooks and crannies, and it makes it hard to get the soap out - it takes weeks and weeks to dry in there. Also, when I was taking trash out - CLOTHES! I need to put clothes in the dryer! ARGH! Ok, I'm back. So anyways, when I took trash out, I found my dad's empty candy 'tray', that I think would make awesome soap shapes. Didn't use the adult molds.. I honestly forgot. I also haven't tried the other method of soap making yet. The method that involves boiling the grated soap with the addition of oil. Hope to try it soon! Will keep the troops updated..


1 comment:

DLSarmywife said...

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :-)