Monday, November 23, 2009

Life Is Funny

Maybe 'cruel' is the word I'm looking for. My car hauling and traveling adventures are over. We are no longer together. I have no ill feelings towards him, and still love him, matter of fact. A part of me always will. The reason, is that we are simply too drastically different. Regardless of all the plans a couple have, if both people aren't happy, it just isn't going to work. We still care about each other, and he really is being great about everything. We have joint custody of Lucky.. he'll let me have him whenever I want. Lucky'll be going back on the road - that was never even an issue. He needs Lucky. And I'll miss them both.


Anonymous said...

A life-changing event such as the death of a loved one or a break up of a marriage or romance, that happens around a holiday can make future celebrations of that holiday bleak. My mom passed away the Monday after Thanksgiving two years ago. I have a hard time with both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. I celebrate both, but the joy I used to feel during both holidays is diminished. I don't know if I'll ever feel the same about either holiday. I will be thinking of you, Trace, this Thanksgiving and Christmas.

DLSarmywife said...

Big ole cyber hugs from me to you!

ClayrPlayr said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your holidays, Linda..((Hugs)) Xmas will definetly be a challenge. And thank you, too, Deborah!! Hugs gladly accepted, and appreciated..