Saturday, May 8, 2010

What a Disappointing Day

This was possibly the worst craft show I ever set up for. Not a good start to the season. For starters, it was pouring this morning before, during, and after I got up. Mom & I switched vehicles for the day so I could use her van. It was still raining as I struggled to put up the canopy alone. Frustrated at not being able to finish, a gentleman came along and asked if I needed help. I eagerly accepted and it was up in no time. The show was to start at 9am, but I am usually never ready. Today was no exception. But almost everything was out & priced. By 9:30am, the wind started to pick up - there was a wind advisory from noon til 11pm. Well, the wind just got stronger & stronger. People were starting to pack up already. By 10am, I was, too. My friend Bonnie was there & her and 2 other ladies helped me take the canopy down. At first, I was just going to keep going with the show, but was tired of holding on to the canopy so it didn't blow away. But when the wind still kept blowing items all over the parking lot, I knew it was time to go. I was home by 11:15.. in bed by 11:20. Lucky was glad to see me home, as he's use to me coming home around 4:30pm from work. Even now, at 9:04pm, the wind is still gusting pretty good. Everything but my pocketbook is still in my mom's van. Luckily, she doesn't work tomorrow. And hopefully, the wind wont be so bad. Gotta get everything out & organize it. I may have another show in 2 weeks - depends on what day. I think it's a Saturday. A girl was handing out flyers & business cards for it while the majority of us were packing up today. And yard sale things can be taken, too! Man, do I have alot of shit to get rid of! There's gonna be a car & truck show, fishing, food, maybe a boat show, too - it's at a lake. I have no idea where Beaver Lake is, but Bonnie was there while she handed the flyers out.. she knew right where it was.

Well, I'm beat. I hope I can sleep with all this noise from the wind. Maybe a few Vicodins will help me. I know where there's 3 unopened bottles of *those*! ;^D Sweet dreams, kids! Off to la-la-land for me..


DLSarmywife said...

SOunds like today was a 'bad' day all around for craft shows...mine went ok, not great, but atleast I sold a few things...My stuff is all still in the van too! LOL Hopefully the next one you do will be better!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that the weather was so crappy for your craft show. Hopefully, you'll have a nicer day at the next one. The variety of items that can be sold and the various activities should draw in more people at the next show as well.