Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Morning, Everyone. Well, both of you..

Today's been pretty tough. Yesterday (the 25th) was one year since Charlie passed away. I believe he was contacting me at work while I was on register. The screen kept blurring & getting fuzzy, like when you have sattelite tv & a storm is coming. No other registers were doing that. It's hard to press the 'food' button while it's moving. When I realized what I think was happening, I just smiled to myself & continued on. A few people asked me was what wrong throughout the day, and I told them I didn't feel good. After I got home, I sent Tim a messege through Facebook explaining that it wasn't him or anyone else at work that had me upset all day. He said he figured something was wrong because I wasn't acting like myself, so he let it go. I did push my ass up against his to move him outta my way in the afternoon, but that was my only contact with him all day. I have off tomorrow, and he has off Thursday. So I told him to wear something for Halloween on Friday. Will it be the Devil costume I gave him? Probly not. Seeing as how the women aren't even allowed to wear dresses, I doubt they'd see the humor in his She Devil skirt outfit. He sent me pictures of him in it that I'll treasure forever... lol But I work Saturday & he doesn't - so we'll see if he comes in wearing it then..


Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your pain on the anniversary of Charlie's death. Maybe Charlie did come to visit you at work to make you feel better. Tim sounds like a funny guy. I hope he does come to work on his day off dressed in the SheDevil costume.

DLSarmywife said...

Sorry to hear about your rough day. I cna't even begin to understand the pain you must still be feeling. BUT know that I luv you and am always around with a shoulder. HUGS